Controlling/Reducing your cleanroom operating costs is one of the primary concerns in cleanroom industries. Here are some good tips to help you manage your operating costs:
Size- Size does matter considerably when thinking of operating costs. The more space you need to keep at specific temperature and humidity the more it costs to operate.
Using modular systems thus allowing for future expansion can reduce operating cost. Not requiring the additional space to be conditioned and filtered will help in reducing the operating cost (fan energy consumption, minimizing cooling and humidity system capacity).
Depending on the process, recirculating air system, cooling, process exhaust, process cooling system are among the systems attributing high energy operating cost in the cleanroom. These systems and their operating cost impacts must be discussed early on during the planning and design stage, to avoid excessive implementation costs and down time later on. Here are few items to consider:
Use of High efficiency fans
Fan wall systems with Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) in recirculating air handler units.
Energy Recovery units for capturing wasted heat, as well as for pre-heating air on make up air units.
Energy Recovery units in central chilled water system.
High efficiency motor in pumps with VFD.
Capturing the heat in Processed cooling water system, to pre-heat water for domestic water or Revers Osmosis (RO) water.
Schedule Preventive maintenance (PM) and having a rigorous and robust house cleaning protocol procedure in place can reduce operating cost.
All of the above are among many other factors, attribution to lowering cleanroom operating costs. DesignTek Consulting Group, with more than 39 years experience in Design and construction of cleanroom facilities, can help you with your cleanroom project.